Travel Bursaries

The CAA bursary program provides funding to students, early-career researchers, and low-income professionals as well as those from less affluent regions to help defray travel expenses for attending the annual conference.  Bursaries help to encourage participation in the annual CAA conference and support the expansion of the CAA community. CAA also awards the best student paper presented at the annual conference the Nick Ryan Bursary.

Bursary Applications for the 2024 Conference in Auckland

Student and low-income members will be eligible to apply for a limited number of travel bursaries to support expenses for attending the annual conference in Auckland, New Zealand. Information on the deadlines and application process will be posted when the call for papers opens around September.

Distribution of Bursary Awards at the Conference

Successful bursary applicants will receive their funds through bank transfers, and awards will be made in euros. Prior to the conference, bursary recipients will receive a form requesting additional information. Recipients will need to give their completed forms to the Bursaries and Student/Low Income Officer at a designated time during the conference in order to receive their bursary. The bank transfer will be initiated as soon as possible after the form is received, and we anticipate that most recipients should have the funds in their accounts within a few hours of the transaction. 

Questions about the Bursary Process? Please contact the Bursary & Student/Low Income Officer at:

Bursary Information for Recent Conferences

Forty-one bursaries were awarded for CAA2019 in Krakow.  These ranged between €75 (c. $83) for applicants from Europe who were presenting a paper/poster and €800 (c. $890) for students from the Rest of World (outside Europe and North and South America) who were presenting a paper/poster or chairing a session/roundtable.  No bursaries were awarded in 2020 due to the event being cancelled because of Covid-19 nor in 2021 when the conference was fully virtual. Thirteen travel bursaries were awarded for the CAA2022 conference in Oxford. Because fewer applications were submitted, awarded amounts were increased slightly, ranging from €370 to €1,020.